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  1. Lori Anderson says:

    great article, kelly! wishing you best on this next leg of your journey!

  2. kelly @ view along the way says:

    Awesome post! Going back after maternity leave is TOUGH but survivable! Anything you can do to make pumping easier is worth doing. Good luck when you start back!

    1. Kelly, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I don’t know why, but I just HATE pumping. Stressing out about whether I’ll have enough milk for the next day, cleaning all the little nooks and crannies of the pump parts, etc, etc.

      And thank you for the well wishes! I can’t believe it’s coming up so soon…whew!

    1. Jen, thank you so much for featuring my post in your daily hint! That’s a great idea to come back during a holiday week. A much easier transition that way, for sure.

      I just followed you on Twitter – looking forward to connecting there too!

  3. Katharine in Brussels says:

    Thanks for the awesome post! I go back to work next Thursday, going to do a couple dry runs first. Cheers!

  4. K8theGr8ssn says:

    I recently heard that you should put your shoe in the backseat next to baby instead of your purse because even a purse can be forgotten but you’re likely not going far without both shoes!

  5. I wish I had read this 3 weeks ago. This is great and really helpful including the article on saying no.

  6. Natalie Colbert says:

    Hi there I’m a first time mum with a 5 month old baby boy. Tomorrow is my first day back at work. I will be working 4 days a week. My son will be in childcare 2 days and home with his daddy 2 days . I have pretty much cried every day for the past 2 weeks because I don’t want to leave him. I get scared he will forget who I am. Is that totally silly? I know he will be totally fine but it’s so hard to relax about it and not get anxiety or emotional. Do any of you feel like this?

  7. Alvina Emmy says:

    Great Post. A breast pump is a blessing for working moms like us. I like to add a bonus tip to this. When you going to buy a breast pump try to get the double electric pump. It will cut half of your sucking session.